International high-level dialogue forum

Shaping a globalised world

Responding to Violent Conflict – Building and Sustaining Peace

Conflict prevention and resolution and the establishment of conditions conducive to sustaining peace are essential for a decent life and sustainable development. The sef: therefore makes it a priority to investigate the causes of conflicts from the international to the local level and to identify pathways for building and sustaining peace.


„Sustaining Peace“. Current challenges for democracy

Dresden Forum for International Politics 2018


"We are targeting women because they can actually influence decision-making"

sef: insight 7|2018
Interview with Professor Jurma Aming Tikmasan

"Journalists find themselves in a tight corner"

sef: insight 6|2018
Interview with Rev Geraldine Fobang on local journalism in armed conflicts

"The media have a very big role in promoting social cohesion"

sef: insight 5|2018
Interview with William Tayeebwa

Sustaining Peace. Can a new approach change the UN?

Global Governance Spotlight 3|2018

"The alternative to democracy is democracy"

sef: insight 2|2018
Interview with Professor Samir Kumar Das from India

"Young people all over the world need to get political"

sef: insight 1|2018
Interview with Hajer Sharief from Libya

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