International high-level dialogue forum

Shaping a globalised world


sef: events provide an independent and international forum for creative thinking on urgent peace and development issues. They impart knowledge on global interdependences and their significance for all policy levels. Further, they stimulate political discourse.

At our events, we bring present and future political decision-makers, their advisors and academic experts, civil society and the business community in a constructive dialogue. We mediate between academics, policy-makers and civil society and embed the views and perspectives of the “Global South” into the political debate.


sef: event series

The Dresden Forum for International Politics discusses current international challenges. A public evening event at the Frauenkirche Dresden complements the programme.

The Potsdam Spring Dialogues deal with regional cooperation with and within the African continent on changing topics.

The Berlin Summer Dialogue is dedicated to international responsibility in crises and conflicts.

The Bonn Symposium provides a forum for an international exchange about the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development at the local level.

The International sef: Expert Workshop focuses on normative challenges for global governance.

The sef: Policy Lunch in Brussels fosters debate about the European Union’s global role.

The sef: Regional Workshop for Sustainable Development furthered the exchange between the German federal states on questions of development and sustainability. The series ended in 2018.


In addition to its established event series, sef: occasionally organizes special events. Furthermore, sef: contributes with own workshops to bigger events of other institutions such as the Deutsche Welle Global Media Forum. These events can be found under More events.

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