Work programme for 2021 – 2025
The “Work programme for 2021-2025”, adopted in January 2021 by the sef’s Board of Trustees, forms the framework for the work of the Development and Peace Foundation (sef:).
As one of its starting points, the Board of Trustees took the lessons to be learned from the COVID-19 pandemic. The retreat towards the national at the beginning of the crisis has proven to be a mistake; global crises and challenges require multilateral action. The pandemic has revealed the vulnerabilities of our globally networked economic, working and living systems but also the weaknesses of global crisis management.
The sef: will address these challenges over the next five years within the framework of the following three programme areas:
A. Global Governance: Policy options in a multipolar world
B. Sustainable Development: Towards systemic change with the 2030 Agenda
C. Crises and Conflicts: New challenges at state and societal levels
An overarching focus of the sef: in the years 2021 - 2025 will be on the issues of solidarity and justice between and within societies, as well as on the need to transform our economic and lifestyle systems. In this process, new opportunities and risks arise from advancing digitalisation, which are also to be considered in all sef: projects.
The focus on Africa with a focus on the Potsdam Spring Dialogues, which have long since become a trademark of sef:, will be continued in the coming years. As an immediate neighbouring continent, Africa is of outstanding importance for Europe in many respects. Finally, sef: pays special attention to Europe's role in international processes.