Global Governance Spotlight
Global Governance Spotlight concisely assesses selected international negotiation processes from a global governance perspective.

European Climate Policy After the Elections: Implementation Challenges and the Next Phase
Global Governance Spotlight 4|2024

International Law in the "Multipolar World Order": A stronger role is necessary - and possible
Global Governance Spotlight 3|2024

Africa’s Future in the Global Energy Transition: Balancing Growth, Access, and Decarbonisation
Global Governance Spotlight 2|2024

Global Governance Spotlight 1|2024

City-centred global governance in times of radical uncertainty
Global Governance Spotlight 3|2023

For the right to a toxics-free future – Sustainable chemicals management beyond 2020
Global Governance Spotlight 2|2023

Global Governance Spotlight 1|2023

Global Governance Spotlight 3|2022

Global Governance Spotlight 2|2022

Revitalizing International Law: Making the Multilateral System Fit for the Future
Global Governance Spotlight 1|2022

A UN Cybercrime Convention – Putting human rights and development front and centre
Global Governance Spotlight 5|2021

Improving Responses to Global Shocks – Recommendations for the “Our Common Agenda” process
Global Governance Spotlight 4|2021

Development Opportunity or Digital Colonialism? The planned WTO e-commerce agreement
Global Governance Spotlight 3|2021

Solidarity and Global Health Cooperation During Covid-19 and Beyond
Global Governance Spotlight 2|2021

Hybrid Diplomacy: How COVID-19 changes the way we negotiate
Global Governance Spotlight 1|2021

An Update for the Internet
Reforming global digital cooperation in 2021
Global Governance Spotlight 4|2020

EU-Africa Trade Arrangements at a Crossroads.
Securing Africa’s External Frontier
Global Governance Spotlight 3|2020

COVID-19 and global health governance:
Building upon the positives
Global Governance Spotlight 2|2020

Negotiating Biodiversity Conservation in the High Seas:
An ecosystem approach
Global Governance Spotlight 1|2020

Shaping Multilateralism:
Principles and opportunities for multilateral cooperation in the UN
Global Governance Spotlight 5|2019

Digital Public Goods.
A Precondition for Realising the SDGs
Global Governance Spotlight 4|2019

United Nations Charter Review in 2020.
An Urgent Necessity!
Global Governance Spotlight 3|2019

International Rules for Social Media.
Safeguarding human rights, combating disinformation
Global Governance Spotlight 2|2019

The Future of Work – and the ILO.
From standard-setting to enforcement
Global Governance Spotlight 1|2019

UN Refugee and Migration Compacts
Global Governance Spotlight 4|2018
Sustaining Peace.
Can a new approach change the UN?
Global Governance Spotlight 3|2018
Global Food Governance.
Between corporate control and shaky democracy
Global Governance Spotlight 2|2018
Business and Human Rights.
Progress and challenges in the negotiation of an international treaty
Global Governance Spotlight 1|2018
The Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration.
Addressing unresolved issues, looking ahead
Global Governance Spotlight 3|2017
Indicators for Cities. Localizing the SDGs
Global Governance Spotlight 2|2017
Transparency in Beneficial Ownership.
How the G20 Can Support African Countries
Global Governance Spotlight 1|2017
The New Urban Agenda.
What is its relevance for local and regional governments?
Global Governance Spotlight 7|2016
Is Europe ready for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable
Development? … not yet
Global Governance Spotlight 6|2016
The UN Summit for Refugees and Migrants.
Will it make a difference?
Global Governance Spotlight 5|2016
The 2030 Agenda.
Towards sustainable development in fragile states?
Global Governance Spotlight 4|2016
Climate Finance after the Paris Agreement.
New directions or more of the same?
Global Governance Spotlight 3|2016
The World Humanitarian Summit.
Triumph of Humanity?
Global Governance Spotlight 2|2016
Back in business.
The OSCE and conflicts in Europe's neighborhood
Global Governance Spotlight 1|2016
The Valletta Dilemma.
Why migration governance in Africa should take centre stage
Global Governance Spotlight 8|2015
Global Social Protection.
New impetus from the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
Global Governance Spotlight 7|2015
A realistic alternative for global reforms?
Global Governance Spotlight 6|2015
Follow-up and Review of the Post-2015 Agenda.
Contributing to effective implementation of the SDGs?
Global Governance Spotlight 5|2015
From R2P to RwP.
Emerging powers and the future of intervention
Global Governance Spotlight 4|2015
The G7 CONNEX Initiative.
Fit for purpose?
Global Governance Spotlight 3|2015
Global Governance Spotlight 2|2015
The United Nations and Global Health Crises.
Lessons learned from the Ebola outbreak
Global Governance Spotlight 1|2015
The Shanghai Cooperation Organisation.
A Regional Agenda with Geopolitical Significance?
Global Governance Spotlight 7|2014
Internet Governance and the Protection of Privacy.
Which way forward?
Global Governance Spotlight 6|2014
Global Governance Spotlight 5|2014
Autonomous Weapons Systems.
Humanising or Dehumanising Warfare?
Global Governance Spotlight 4|2014
Adding Value to Natural Resources.
A multilevel challenge
Global Governance Spotlight 3|2014
The EU-11: The Global Avant-Garde?
The negotiations on a financial transaction tax
Global Governance Spotlight 2|2014
The WTO Bali Package.
Does it mark the resurgence of trade multilateralims?
Global Governance Spotlight 1|2014
The World Bank: Quo Vadis?
Environmental and social safeguards under review
Global Governance Spotlight 8|2013
The Minamata Convention.
Towards a zero mercury world?
Global Governance Spotlight 7|2013
Global Governance for Health.
In search of leadership
Global Governance Spotlight 6|2013
Transparency in the Resource Sector.
The basis for sustainable development
Global Governance Spotlight 5|2013
The Status Quo is Not an Option.
The global governance challenge of nuclear weapons
Global Governance Spotlight 4|2013
The Arms Trade Treaty.
Is the glass half full or half empty?
Global Governance Spotlight 3|2013
Still a Bumpy Road.
The Multiple Challenges of External Democracy Promotion
Global Governance Spotlight 2|2013
The Post-2015-Agenda.
Common Goals for Development and Sustainability
Global Governance Spotlight 1|2013
The Busan Process:
Milestone or Stumbling Block for International Development Cooperation?
Global Governance Spotlight 2|2012
A Global Rule of Law. Cui bono?
Global Governance Spotlight 1|2012