International high-level dialogue forum

Shaping a globalised world

Follow-up and Review of the Post-2015 Agenda. Contributing to effective implementation of the SDGs?

Marianne Beisheim
June 2015: 4 pages



The United Nations Member States are currently in the process of negotiating the post-2015 agenda for sustainable development. This agenda will consist of four elements: a declaration, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the means of implementation (MoI), and follow-up and review. The negotiations in May 2015 dealt with follow-up and review, which is the main focus of interest here. The zero draft of the outcome document that was recently issued deploys an ongoing lack of clarity on many issues, some of the proposals are likely to make an effective contribution to SDG implementation. However, the challenges – to which solutions must be found before the post-2015 summit in September 2015 – are also moving into sharper focus.

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