The “transformation of our world” onto a sustainable path – as agreed upon by the UN member states in the Agenda 2030 – requires more than one-off projects. How can a fundamental change in policies, in the society and the economy be initiated? What can municipalities contribute to this shift towards sustainable development and how can the local impetus be escalated to the other political levels? The Bonn Symposium 2018 aims to stimulate ideas and inject fresh momentum into the debate about these issues.
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"It’s not a project, it’s a way of life"
Interview with Colisile Tfwala on engaging businesses for local sustainability
sef: insight 12|2018
"We are the voice of young people in urban sustainability"
Interview with Nick Ngatia on Nairobi Urban Creators
sef: insight 11|2018
"We have to create demand for better governments"
Interview with Namhla Mniki-Mangaliso on empowering civil society in Africa
sef: insight 10|2018
"A sustainable city needs sustainable institutions"
Interview with Ahmed AbuLaban on Ramallah as a regional model for sustainability
sef: insight 9|2018