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Migration Partnerships – Outsourcing of a European Controversy or Chance for a Just Cooperation with Third Countries?

16. November 2023, 12.30 – 13.45 Uhr (MESZ), Brüssel

Programm  Bericht

Konferenzsprache: Englisch

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The number of refugees and migrants to the EU has increased significantly in recent months. It is to be expected that this number will continue to rise in the near future. Many people in Europe see the continent's absorption capacities exhausted. At the same time, Germany and other EU member states have an increased need for a regulated immigration due to labour shortages in many economic sectors.

One way in European migration policy aims to prevent migration already outside the EU borders and thus to outsource the problem to a certain extent. One instrument for this is migration partnerships with third countries, such as Tunisia, which have met with harsh criticism from civil society organisations. Nevertheless, the EU is planning further such agreements.

In this Policy Lunch, we will discuss with our experts whether such partnerships have the potential to contribute to a just asylum and refugee policy in the EU. How must such partnerships be designed to fulfill Europe’s aspiration to regulate immigration more tightly, while simultaneously guaranteeing the protection and humane treatment of migrants and refugees?

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