The Private Sector in the Post-2015 Negotiations. A plea for a stronger emphasis on corporate human rights responsibility
Brigitte Hamm
September 2014: 4 pages
2015 is the deadline for achieving the United Nations’ eight Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). However, it has been clear for some time that despite significant progress, not all the MDGs will be met in all sectors and regions by this date. The negotiations on a post-2015 agenda have therefore reached fever pitch. Back in 2010, the United Nations Summit on the Millennium Development Goals pushed for the continuation of the MDG process. Then in 2012, the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20) called, in addition, for new Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Alongside the UN, governments and civil society organisations, the corporate sector is a key player, influencing the debate in a multitude of forums.
Find out more about the private sector´s engagement in post-2015 negotiations in our Global Governance Spotlight 5|2014, written by Brigitte Hamm from the Institute for Development and Peace (INEF) of the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University Duisburg-Essen.