International high-level dialogue forum

Shaping a globalised world

The World Humanitarian Summit. Triumph of Humanity?

Hans-Joachim Heintze
May 2016; 4 pages



In 2015, 82.5 million people in 37 countries relied on humanitarian aid (UN OCHA). This number, once again, stretched the global humanitarian system to its limits. Already in 2012, the UN Secretary-General convened the first World Humanitarian Summit (WHS) in Istanbul on 23-24 May 2016. The aim is to achieve an international consensus on strengthening humanitarian principles as well as on a Grand Bargain for closing the humanitarian financing gap. In our Global Governance Spotlight 2|2016, Professor Heintze describes and assesses the extensive consultations ahead of the Summit and the reports by the UN Secretary-General and the High-Level Panel on Humanitarian Financing to the WHS. He concludes with an outlook on the potential contribution of the EU to the Summit - as one of the largest humanitarian aid donor with a wealth of operational experience.

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