The WTO Bali Package. Does it mark the resurgence of trade multilateralims?
Noemi Gal-Or
March 2014: 4 pages
In December 2013, the World Trade Organisation (WTO) concluded the Bali Package at its Ninth Ministerial Conference in Indonesia. Marking the first WTO agreement in eighteen years, the Bali Package has sparked hopes for the resurgence of trade multilateralism.
The newly introduced approach to WTO negotiations managed to partly accomodate differing and conflicting interests of member-states and regional groupings, which have been standing in the way of multilateralism.
Noemi Gal-Or analyses in the Global Governance Spotlight 1|2014 the main lines of interpretation advanced to explain the Bali Package and draws out the likely implications of the deal for concerned stakeholders and in regards to the major issues on the contemporary world economic agenda. She provides signposts to follow when assessing the achievements of the Bali Declaration cognizant of the impact centripetal and centrifugal forces exert in either enhancing, or impinging on, a multilateral world economic system.