International high-level dialogue forum

Shaping a globalised world

Climate change and conflicts –
preventive strategies of African regional organisations

29/31 March and 5/7 April 2022, 10:00-12:30 hrs (CEST)

Conference language: English

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Climate change jeopardises a lot of the progress in peace and security issues in Africa, and can exacerbate risks of violent conflict. At the same time, adaptation to climate change is much harder in conflict-prone areas. Against this backdrop, the Potsdam Spring Dialogues 2022 will explore and assess the various strategies taken by regional and international organisations in Africa to tackle the mutually reinforcing risks of climate change and conflict. We will discuss with representatives from regional and international organisations, academics and civil society experts from Africa and Europe to identify workable solutions. The event is taking place online in four sessions, each with a distinct focus area, on 29/31 March and 5/7 April 2022.

Participation is possible with a personal invitation. In case you are interested in taking part, please write to nordmann(at)

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