Europe and the change at the White House –
New chances for a global peace policy?
Public Online Forum Frauenkirche
Frauenkirche Dresden / virtual / worldwide
28 January 2021 at Dresden 18.50 hrs (CET) / London 17.50 hrs (UTC) / New York 12.50 hrs (EST)
Conference languages: German/English (simultaneous translation)
In recent years, cooperation at the international level has been repeatedly challenged. The European Union, for its part, has been dealing with its own problems in various ways in recent years. However, the world is facing challenges that no region can solve alone. In the power game between the US, Russia and China, the EU must adopt a strong position and profile of its own. Europe could make better use of its capability to resolve conflicts and secure peace in a changing world.
How can the EU seize the opportunity to work with the new US administration and other partners to make international relations more constructive again? How can the EU contribute to the international community’s increased reliance on dialogue and working together to find solutions to long-standing conflicts and avoid new ones?
The former High Representative of the EU Federica Mogherini, Rector at the College of Europe, discusses with Professor Nicole Deitelhoff from the Peace Research Institute in Frankfurt and John Kornblum, former US-Ambassador to Germany “Europe and the change at the White House. New chances for a global peace policy?”
Cooperating partners
A cooperation event of the Frauenkirche Foundation Dresden, the Development and Peace Foundation (sef:) and the Saxon State Agency for Civic Education (Sächsische Landeszentrale für politische Bildung).