Ein Forum für den internationalen Dialog

Globalisierung politisch gestalten

Innovation by disruption?
How COVID-19 is changing diplomacy

sef: Session as part of DW Global Media Forum 2021

Online / World Conference Center Bonn (WCCB)
14 June 2021, 13:45 to 14:15 hrs

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The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on international diplomacy was and is considerable. The pandemic led to most international negotiation processes being halted. The hope that these processes could be resumed in the foreseeable future in the usual format proved to be false. Instead, innovative ways were and are needed to maintain diplomatic exchange and to continue working together on solutions to global challenges.

But how to successfully conduct diplomatic negotiations virtually? What innovative solutions are conceivable? And what are the consequences of zoom diplomacy for inclusivity and transparency, e.g. for countries from the Global South or representatives of the media and civil society?

Veröffentlichung zum Thema

Hybride Diplomatie: Wie COVID-19 internationale Verhandlungen verändert

Jovan Kurbalija | Katharina Höne
April 2021; 4 Seiten

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